The five winds (vayus)
The five principal modifications of Prana (Vayus):
UDANA VAYU: voor expression. Udana rules the area above the throat and governs senses, speech, respiratury system (muscles involved). Interactive pulsation.
PRANA VAYU: voor absorption. Prana governs the breath and the area above the diaphragm.
SAMANA VAYU: voor assimilation. Samana rules the erea between the heart and the navel for digestion, sugar balance, etc.
APANA VAYU: voor excretion. Apana rules the area below the navel (elinination, colon, kidneys, bladder, rectum, sexual organs).
VYANA VAYU: vyana pervades the whole body governing relaxation, and contraction of the muscles voluntary and involuntary, joint movement and related structures. Vyana creates connectedness, integrity. Vyana regulates all processes of life.
Prana absorbing organs:
Lungs - alveoli
Nose - nerve endings
Tongue - food
Skin - sun energy
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